Name: Dr. Judith Angelstorf
Position: Research assistant, PhD student
Background and Interests
Judith Angelstorf holds a PhD in biology and has been working in the field of environmental analysis and ecotoxicology since 2007. Ms Angelstorf completed her studies at the Institute for Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry at the University of Hamburg. As part of her diploma thesis, she investigated the influence of environmental parameters on emissions of halogenated hydrocarbons by halophytes by determining flux rates and isotope ratios of the compounds. An internship at the 2nd Institute of Biogeochemistry in Hangzhou, China, enabled her to expand her knowledge of environmental analytical measurement methods.
From 2009 to 2013 Ms Angelstorf was in charge of sampling and ecotoxicological investigations of sediment and suspended matter samples in the diPol and Seitenstrukturen II projects in the Applied Aquatic Toxicology working group. In 2013, she completed her doctorate at the Hamburg Harburg University of Technology on the topic of “Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans”. The focus of the study was on the influence of simulated solar radiation on the toxicity of the photocatalytically active particles, as well as their influence on co-contaminants.
Research Projects
- Ecotoxicological effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on Caenorhabditis elegans
- Impact of Climate Change on the Quality of Urban and Coastal Waters – Diffuse Pollution (diPol)
- “ARCH – Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on lagoons.”
- “The Influence of Environmental Parameters on the Emission of Halogenated Hydrocarbons from Halophytes” Diploma Thesis at IfBM, University of Hamburg
Angelstorf, J.S., Ahlf, W., von der Kammer, F., Heise, S. (2014): Impact of particle size and light exposure on the effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on Caenorhabditis elegans. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, accepted manuscript DOI: 10.1002/etc.2674.
Nickel, C., Angelstorf J., Bienert, R., Burkart, C., Gabsch, S., Giebner, S., Haase, A., Hellack, B., Hollert, H., Hund-Rinke, K., Jungmann, D., Kaminski, H., Luch, A., Maes, H., Nogowski, A., Oetken, M., Schaeffer, A., Schiwy, A., Schlich, K., Stintz, M., Kammer, F., Kuhlbusch, T.J. (2014): Dynamic light-scattering measurement comparability of nanomaterial suspensions. J Nanopart Res 16: 1-12.
Angelstorf, J., Ahlf, W., Heise, S. (2013). „Effects of TiO 2 Particles on Caenorhabditis elegans: Impact of Size and Light Exposure” Posterpräsentation, SETAC Europe Glasgow, Mai 2013.
Angelstorf, J., Ahlf, W., Heise, S. (2012). „Photocatalytic Effects of TiO2 Nanoparticles: Is there an Impact on the Ecotoxicity of PAHs?” Posterpräsentation, SETAC World Berlin, 23.05.2012.
Angelstorf, J., Ahlf, W., Heise, S. (2011). „Ecotoxicity of photocatalytically active titanium dioxide nanoparticles: A model study with Caenorhabditis elegans.”. Posterpräsentation, SETAC Europe Mailand, 18.05.2011.
Angelstorf, J., Ahlf, W., Heise, S. (2011). „Ecotoxicity testing of Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles: Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism for liquid and solid phase testing.” Posterpräsentation, YES Meeting Aachen, 28.2.2011 – 2.3.2011.