Name: Henning Tien
Telefone: +49 (0)175 710 4638
Position: PhD student / self-employed environmental consultant
Background and Interests
Henning Tien did his bachelor thesis on the topic of substance flow analysis, specially dealing with flame retardants in waste electric and electronic equipment with a focus on informal recycling techniques, supervised by Prof. Dr. Susanne Heise at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Based on his work he focusses on lifecycle-topics. After a period as an assistant in an environmental laboratory he started his master studies at Distance University Hagen in the subject of environmental sciences. He finished his master studies with his thesis concerning distribution of rare earth elements in the German technosphere and potential release points, again supervised by Prof. Dr. Susanne Heise. He finished his studies with the degree “Master of Science”.
From until Henning Tien was a PhD student in the AAT- working group of Prof. Dr. Susanne Heise, studying Rare Earth Element Ecotoxicology in a Changing Environment (REEchangE). This project is carried out in cooperation with The University of the West of Scotland.
Further Henning Tien is member of the working group 2343 of The Association of German Engineers, dealing with recycling of waste electric and electronic equipment.
Research Projects
- REEchangE – Rare Earth Element Ecotoxicology in a Changing Environment
- Riskcycle
- Supporting: Seitenstrukturprojekt II
Publicationen, Presentation and Poster
Tien, H., et al. (2012). Global E-waste trade impact on China. Risk-Based Management of Chemicals and Products in a Circular Economy at a Global Scale. B. Bilitewski, V. Grundmann, P. Werneret al. Dresden, Eigenverlag des Forums für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlaste e.V. Band 87, 1. Auflage.
Tien, H., et al. (2013). Tracking Global Flows of E-Waste Additives by Using Substance Flow Analysis, with a Case Study in China. Handbook of environmental Chemistry: Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives II. B. Bilitewski, R. M. Darbra and D. Barceló, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 23: 1-36.
H. Tien, Tracking E-Waste Trade to China: A Global Perspective, Final Conference RISKCYCLE, Dresden, Art´otel, 7th-19th Mai 2012
Combining Substance Flow Analysis and Multi-Media Fate Modelling to Investigate the Consequences of Global Trade and Informal Recycling of WEEE in Guiyu, China, H.Tien, S.Heise, J. Casal, X. Segui, R.M. Darbra, M. Schuhmacher, M. Nadal, J. Rovira, N. Suciu, M. Trevisan, E. Capri, SETAC World Meeting 22-24th May 2012
Application of the Multimedia Environmental Model QWASI for Evaluating Exposure Pathways in Areas of Informal E-Waste Recycling, S. Heise, H.Tien, J. Casal, X. Segui, R.M. Darbra, M. Schuhmacher, M. Nadal, J. Rovira, N. Suciu, M. Trevisan, E. Capri, Final Conference RISKCYCLE, Dresden, Art´otel, 7th-19th Mai 2012