Name : Sonja Faetsch
Phone: +49 (0)40 42875 6372
Email: sonja.faetsch(a)haw-hamburg.de
Position: PhD student
Background and Interests
Sonja studied biology at the University of Cologne. She then spent a semester abroad at the Department of Marine Science at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. She earned a Master’s degree in Marine Environmental Science at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Due to her keen interest in bioanalytical ecotoxicology, she wrote her Master’s thesis at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, where she applied a method to reduce dynamic protein concentration differences in zebrafish eggs to investigate the influence of phenanthrene on protein expression patterns. She worked there as a research assistant on the ecotoxicological assessment of fracking chemicals. After working as a process specialist at the vaccine manufacturer Novartis and as a research assistant at the Environmental Research Centre and the Institute for Didactics of Natural Sciences at the University of Bremen, Sonja has been a PhD student in the research group since June 2017.
Her dissertation deals with the comparison of conventional and integrative approaches combining chemical, ecotoxicological and ecological data to assess the sediment quality of three rivers in the North Sea region. In particular, the role of ecotoxicology in the assessment of dredged material is investigated. The PhD at HAW Hamburg is carried out in cooperation with RWTH Aachen.
Research Project
Sullied Sediments – Sediment Assessment and Clean Up Pilots in Inland Waterways in the North Sea Region, Work Package 3 Better Assessment (Interreg North Sea Region)
- Faetsch S, Hetjens, H, Hoess S, Heise, S. (in Vorbereitung), Comparing conventional and integrated sediment-quality assessment of three North Sea region waterways
- Richardson S., Heise S., Mayes W., Faetsch S., Hetjens H., Teuchies J., Walker P., Heitmann K., Welham K., Moore D., Bervoets L., Kay P., Höss S., and Rotchell J. M. (in Vorbereitung), Spatial and temporal sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens.
- Heise et al., (2021), Development of a BEBA-based-classification system for sediments and dredged material, Report Sullied Sediment Project
- Chapman E., Meichanetzoglou A., Boa A. N., Hetjens H., Faetsch S., Teuchies J., Höss S., Moore D., Bervoets L., Kay P., Heise S., Walker P., Rotchell J. M., (submitted), The uptake of sporopollenin exine capsules (SpECs) and associated bioavailability of bound (estradiol) chemical in selected aquatic invertebrates, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
- Faetsch .S, Partus K., Heise S., (2019), Endocrine disruptors in the aquatic environment: Is it enough to screen for estrogens only?, Poster präsentiert auf dem “29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe” in Helsinki, May 2019
- Faetsch S., Hoess S., Heise S., Comparing Conventional and Integrative Concepts for Sediment Classification Systems, Poster präsentiert auf dem “28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe” in Rom, Mai 2018
- Heise S., Faetsch S., Warmuth S., Wittig N., (2019), The Usefulness of Bioassays for Sediment Quality Assessment ‐ a Question of Reproducibility, Uncertainty and Interpretation, Poster präsentiert auf der “11th International Sediment Network (SedNet) Conference” in Dubrovnik, 3.- 5.4. 2019
- Faetsch S., Hoess S., Heise S. (2018), Comparing Conventional and Integrative Concepts for Sediment Classification Systems, Poster präsentiert auf dem Dies Academicus 2018 der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, 1. Platz im Posterwettbewerb
- Faetsch S., Growth-inhibiting effects of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin on the green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata – Determination of algal cell growth and its inhibition using CASY (2017), Application note, OLS Life Science
- Faetsch S., Matzke M., Stolte S., (2017), Monitoring the Cell Cycle of the unicellular green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata – Analysis of cell growth and proliferation using CASY, Application note, OLS Life Science
- Riedl J., Rotter S., Faetsch S., Schmitt-Jansen M., Altenburger R., (2013), Proposal for applying a component-based mixture approach for ecotoxicological assessment of fracturing fluids, Environmental Earth Science, 70:3907-3920