Henning Herrmann

Name: Henning Herrmann

Email: henning.herrmann@gmx.de

Background and Interests

Henning Herrmann is an ecotoxicologist (M.Sc.) and environmental engineer (B.Sc.) with a focus on water assessment. During his studies, he was particularly interested in issues where chemical-biological and technical methods were applied together. In his Bachelor’s thesis in the water quality monitoring network of the city of Hamburg, he dealt with the practical suitability of a modified algae oximeter. He completed his master’s thesis in an interdisciplinary research project at RWTH Aachen University, where he investigated the bioavailability and toxicity of sediment-borne pollutants during remobilisation in a circular channel using passive samplers and biomarkers in rainbow trout.
In the working group, he worked on two research projects on substance risk assessment for the aquatic environment. This included literature research and evaluation of ecotoxicological data as well as the planning and realisation of water studies for the water phase and sediment and the performance of organismic bioassays and chemical analysis. In addition, he was involved in various sediment sampling campaigns – from the side structures of the middle Elbe to the Neufelder Watt.

Research Projects

  • Determination of the hazard potential of fluoride in surface waters
  • Assessment of the ecotoxicological effects of lanthanum in water bodies


  • Brinkmann, M.; Hudjetz, S.; Herrmann, H.; Kammann, U.; Cofalla, C.; Lorke, S.; Schäffer, A.; Hecker, M.; Schüttrumpf, H.; Hollert, H. (2013): Do flood events matter? Biomarker response of rainbow trout following exposure to re-suspended sediments in an annular flume; Proceedings, 23th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Herrmann, H.; Hudjetz, S.; Brinkmann, M.; Schäffer, A.; Hollert, H.; Cofalla, C.; Lorke, S.; Schüttrumpf, H.; Kammann, U. (2012): Turbulent. Trübe. Toxisch? Bioverfügbarkeit und Toxizität sedimentbürtiger Schadstoffe während der Remobilisierung in einem Kreisgerinne; 5. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SETAC GLB und GDCh, Leipzig.
  • Heise, S.; Herrmann, H. (2010): Tolerance of microbial community as an indicator of copper emissions from industrially produced armour stones; Proceedings, 20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2010, Seville, Spain.


  • Brinkmann, M.; Hudjetz, S.; Herrmann, H.; Cofalla, C.; Kammann, U.; Hecker, M.; Schüttrumpf, H.; Schäffer, A.; Hollert, H. (2012): Floodsearch: Hochwasser im Labormaßstab – Ökotoxikologie und Wasserbau arbeiten Hand in Hand bei der Hochwasserfolgenbewertung; Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie/Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Heft 4, S. 88-91.
  • Heise, S.; Herrmann, H. (2010): Bestimmung des Gefährdungspotenzials von Fluorid im Oberflächengewässer “Alte Süderelbe”; Studie im Auftrag der Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Hamburg (52 S., unveröffentlicht).