Phone: +49 (0)40 428 75 6513
Position: Project manager, PhD student
Background and Interests
I am a scientific assistant at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW, Department of Life Science, Laboratory for Applied Aquatic Toxicology) since 2013.
Two important topics determine my scientific work. One is the microbiological quality of water. The main focus is on bathing water quality. I have been doing research on the identification of pollution sources and the distribution of microbiological pollution in water. I have also been working on microbiological quality of rainwater.
The second focus in my work is the use of research results in practice and the communication of scientific results. This topic is an important part of research work at universities of applied sciences in particular. The introduction to this topic took place during my work in a research project about the “Schüler Technik Akademie in Schleswig-Holstein”, where we developed an emergency concept for municipal sewage treatment plants in the event of a total power failure in cooperation with local schools. The application and transfer of research results was also an important aspect of my work in advising and providing scientific support to the Ministry of Health and the authorities of the districts and independent cities in Schleswig-Holstein during the implementation of the EU Bathing Water Directive. I was able to deepen this work in the research projects DiPol, ARCH and Tideelbe-Komplex. The topic of my dissertation within the ARCH research project is the integration of scientific results into societal decision-making processes in complex systems, using the Tidal Elbe as an example.
Research projects
- ARCH – Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on estuaries and lagoons
- diPol -The impact of climate change on the quality of urban and coastal waters
- Der Tideelbe-Komplex – Representation of complex interrelationships in the Tidal Elbe catchment area