Current on Juli. 2014, without posters und proceedings
Herrmann, H., Nolde, J., Berger, S., and Heise, S. (2016). Aquatic ecotoxicity of lanthanum – A review and an attempt to derive water and sediment quality criteria. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 124, 213-238.
Lillebø, A.I., Somma, F., Norén, K., Gonçalves, J., Alves, M.F., Ballarini, E., Bentes, L., Bielecka, M., Chubarenko, B.V., Heise, S., et al. (2016). Assessment of marine ecosystem services indicators: Experiences and lessons learned from 14 European case studies. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 12, 726-734.
Heise, S. (2015). Zur Belastung von Sedimenten mit Spurenmetallen und historischen, organischen Schadstoffen in Altarmen der Elbe. HyWa 59, 332-341.
Angelstorf, J.S., Ahlf, W., von der Kammer, F., and Heise, S. (2014). Impact of particle size and light exposure on the effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on Caenorhabditis elegans. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33, 2288-2296.
Nickel, C., Angelstorf J., Bienert, R., Burkart, C., Gabsch, S., Giebner, S., Haase, A., Hellack, B., Hollert, H., Hund-Rinke, K., Jungmann, D., Kaminski, H., Luch, A., Maes, H., Nogowski, A., Oetken, M., Schaeffer, A., Schiwy, A., Schlich, K., Stintz, M., Kammer, F., Kuhlbusch, T.J. (2014): Dynamic light-scattering measurement comparability of nanomaterial suspensions. J Nanopart Res 16: 1-12.
Heise, S. (2014). Fachstudie „Seitenstrukturen II – Einstufung des Risikos kontaminierter Sedimente in Altwassern und Altarmen für die Elbe“. (ELSA – Schadstoffsanierung Elbsedimente, Behörde für Umwelt und Energie, Hamburg Port Authority.).
Liehr, G., Heise, S., Ahlf, W., Offermann, K.,Witt, G. (2013): Assessing the risk of a 50-year-old dump site in the Baltic Sea by combining chemical analysis, bioaccumulation, and ecotoxicity. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s11368-013-0721-3
Heise, S. (2013). Fachstudie “Seitenstrukturen I – Durchführung einer Sondierungsuntersuchung zum Risiko durch eine Schadstoffremobilisierung aus Seitenstrukturen der Elbe”. In ELSA Abschlussbericht (ELSA – Schadstoffsanierung Elbsedimente, Behörde für Umwelt und Energie, Hamburg Port Authority.).
Bakhtyari, N. G., Baderna, D., Boriani, E., Schuhmacher, M., Heise, S.,Benfenati, E. (2013): Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Studies for Additives. In Bilitewski, B., Darbra, R.,Barcelo, D. (Eds.), Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives, Volume II. Risk based assessment and management strategies, Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (Vol. 23, pp. 73-90): Springer.
Suciu, N., Capri, E., Trevisan, M., Tien, H., Heise, S., Schuhmacher, M., Nadal, M., J. Rovira, Seguí, X., Casal, J.,Darbra, R. M. (2013): Human and Environmental impact produced by E-waste releases at Guiyu Region (China). In Bilitewski, B., Darbra, R.,Barcelo, D. (Eds.), Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives, Volume II. Risk based assessment and management strategies, Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (Vol. 23, pp. 349-384): Springer.
Tien, H., Heise, S., Segui, J., Darbra, R., Suciu, N., Capri, E., Trevisan, M., Schuhmacher, M., Nadal, M.,Rovira., J. (2013): Tracking Global Flows of E-Waste Additives by Using Substance Flow Analysis, with a Case Study in China. In Bilitewski, B., Darbra, R. M.,Barcelo, D. (Eds.), Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives, Volume II. Risk based assessment and management strategies, Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (Vol. 23, pp. 1-36): Springer.
Book Chapters:
Westerdahl, J., Belhaj, M., Rydberg, T., Munthe, J., Darbra, R., Àgueda, A., Heise, S.,Ziyang, L. (2012): Additives and Other Hazardous Compounds in Electronic Products and Their Waste. Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives I. In Bilitewski, B., Darbra, R. M.,Barceló, D. (Eds.), Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives, Volume I (Vol. 18, pp. 57-81): Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Book Chapters:
Kowalevska, G., Belzunce-Segarra, M. J., Schubert, B., Heininger, P.,Heise, S. (2011): The role of sediments in coastal monitoring. In Quevauviller, P., Roose, P.,Verreet, G. (Eds.), Chemical Marine Monitoring: Policy Framework and Analytical Trends (pp. 377-395): John Wiley and sons.
Zipperle, A., van Gils, J., van Hattum, B.,Heise, S. (2011): Guidance for a harmonized Emission Scenario Document (ESD) on Ballast Water discharge: Prepared for Umweltbundesamt, Germany.
Journal Articles::
Ahlf, W., Drost, W.,Heise, S. (2009): Incorporation of metal bioavailability into regulatory frameworks—metal exposure in water and sediment. [10.1007/s11368-009-0109-6]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 9(5), 411-419.
Brack, W., Apitz, S. E., Borchardt, D., Brils, J., Cardoso, A. C., Foekema, E. M., Gils, J. v., Jansen, S., Harris, B., Hein, M., Heise, S., Hellsten, S., Maagd, P. G.-J. d., Müller, D., Panov, V. E., Posthuma, L., Quevauviller, P., Verdonscho, P. F.,Ohe, P. C. v. d. (2009): Toward a holistic and risk-based management of european river basins. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 5(1), 5-10.
Heise, S. (2008): Risk Management of Sediments. Ann Ist Super Sanita, 44(3), 224-232.
Heise, S. (2009): Sediments in river basins. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 9(5), 393-399.
Keiter, S., Braunbeck, T., Heise, S., Pudenz, S., Manz, W.,Hollert, H. (2009): A fuzzy logic-classification of sediments based on data from in vitro biotests. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 9(3), 168-179.
Book Chapters:
Ahlf, W., Feiler, U., Heininger, P.,Heise, S. (2008): Monitoring Sediment Quality Using Toxicity Tests as Primary Tools for any Risk Assessment. In Quevauviller, P., Borchers, U., Thompson, K. C.,Simonart, T. (Eds.), The Water Framework Directive – Ecological and Chemical Status Monitoring (pp. 255-269): John Wiley and Sons.
Förstner, U., Heise, S., Ahlf, W.,Westrich, B. (2008): Data Quality Assurance of Sediment Monitoring. In Quevauviller, P., Borchers, U., Thompson, K. C.,Simonart, T. (Eds.), The Water Framework Directive – Ecological and Chemical Status Monitoring (pp. 371-386): John Wiley and Sons.
Heise, S., Krüger, F., Baborowski, M., Stachel, B., Götz, R.,Förstner, U. (2008): Bewertung der Risiken durch Feststoffgebundene Schadstoffe im Elbeeinzugsgebiet (pp. 349). Hamburg: Im Auftrag der Flussgebietsgemeinschaft Elbe und Hamburg Port Authority.
Journal Articles:
Ahlf, W.,Heise, S. (2005): Sediment toxicity assessment: Rationale for effect classes. JSS – J Soils & Sediments, 5(1), 16-20.
Förstner, U.,Heise, S. (2006): Assessing and Managing Contaminated Sediments: Requirements on Data Quality – from Molecular to River Basin Scale. Croatica Chimica Acta, 79(1), 5-14.
Heise, S.,Ahlf, W. (2005): A new microbial contact assay for marine sediments. JSS – J Soils & Sediments, 5(1), 9-15.
Heise, S.,Förstner, U. (2006): Risks from Historical Contaminated Sediments in the Rhine Basin. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 6, 625–636.
Heise, S.,Förstner, U. (2007): Risk Assessment on Contaminated Sediments in River Basins – Theoretical Considerations and Pragmatic Approach. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9(9), 943-952.
Hollert, H., Heise, S., Keiter, S., Heininger, P.,Förstner, U. (2007): Wasserrahmenrichtlinie – Fortschritte und Defizite. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung. Z Umweltchem Ökotox 19, 19, Sonderausgabe 1, 1-13.
Hsu, P., Matthai, A., Heise, S.,Ahlf, W. (2007): Seasonal variation of sediment toxicity in the Rivers Dommel and Elbe. Environmental Pollution – AquaTerra: Pollutant behavior in the soil, sediment, ground, and surface water system, 148(3), 817-823.
Edited Books:
Heise, S. (Ed.). (2007): Sediment Risk Management and Communication. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Book Chapters:
Ahlf, W.,Heise, S. (2007): Quality assurance of ecotoxicological sediment analysis. In Förstner, U.,Salomons, W. (Eds.), Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in Rivers – Interdisciplinary Approach (pp. 380-391). Berlin: Springer.
Babut, M., Oen, A., Hollert, H., Apitz, S. E., Heise, S.,White, S. (2007): Prioritization at River Basin Scale, Risk Assessment at Local Scale: suggested approaches. In Heise, S. (Ed.), Sediment Risk Management and Communication (pp. 107-152). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Heise, S.,Apitz, S. (2007): The role of risk management and communication in sustainable sediment management. In Heise, S. (Ed.), Sediment Risk Management and Communication (pp. 1-8). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Heise, S., Apitz, S. E., Babut, M., Bergmann, M., den Besten, P., Ellen, G. J., Gerrits, L., Joziasse, J., Maaß, V., Oen, A., Slob, A.,White, S. (2007): The way forward for sediment risk management and communication – a summary. In Heise, S. (Ed.), Sediment Risk Management and Communication (pp. 249-267). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Heise, S., Calmano, W., Ahlf, W., Leal, W.,Krahn, D. (2007): Environmental challenges for the Hamburg stretch of the River Elbe and its catchment with regard to the Water Framework Directive. In Leal, W., Hellsten, S., Krahn, D.,Ulvi, T. (Eds.), Baltic River Basin Management Handbook. Strategies for Sustainable River Basin Management (pp. 47-61).
Heise, S.,Förstner, U. (2006): Risks from Historical Contaminated Sediments in the Rhine Basin. In Kronvang, B., Faganeli, J.,Ogrinc, N. (Eds.), The Interactions Between Sediments and Water (pp. 261-272): Springer Netherlands.
Heise, S.,Förstner, U. (2006): Sedimente und EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie – Fallstudien Rhein und Elbe. In Förstner, U. (Ed.), Ingenieurgeochemie (2nd Edition ed.).
Joziasse, J., Heise, S., Oen, A., Ellen, G. J.,Gerrits, L. (2007): Sediment Management Objectives and Risk Indicators. In Heise, S. (Ed.), Sediment risk management and communication (pp. 9 – 76). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Heise, S., Claus, E., Heininger, P., Krämer, T., Krüger, F., Schwartz, R.,Förstner, U. (2005): Studie zur Schadstoffbelastung der Sedimente im Elbeeinzugsgebiet. Hamburg: Commissioned by the Hamburg Port Authority.
Journal Articles::
Becker, A. M., Heise, S.,Ahlf, W. (2002): Effects of phenanthrene on Lemna minor in a sediment-water system and the impacts of UVB. Ecotoxicology, 11(5), 343-348.
den Besten, P. J., Deckere, E. d., Babut, M. P., Power, B., DelValls, T. A., Zago, C., Oen, A. M. P.,Heise, S. (2003): Biological Effects-based Sediment Quality in Ecological Risk Assessment for European Waters. JSS – J. Soils & Sediments, 3(3), 144-162.
Förstner, U., Heise, S., Schwartz, R., Westrich, B.,Ahlf, W. (2004): Historical Contaminated Sediments and Soils at the River Basin Scale: Examples from the Elbe River Catchment Area. JSS – J Soils & Sediments, 4(4), 247-260.
Heise, S. (2003): SedNet – ein bedarfsorientiertes Sedimentnetzwerk für Europa. Hansa, 3, 95-97.
Heise, S.,Ahlf, W. (2002): The need for new concepts in risk management of sediments. J Soils & Sediments, 2(1), 4-8.
Heise, S., Apitz, S. E., Babut, M., Bergmann, H., Besten, P. d., Ellen, G. J., Joziasse, J., Katsiri, A., Vera Maaß, Oen, A., Slob, A.,White, S. (2004): Risk Management of Sediments and Communication – Synthesis of the SedNet working group 5 outcomes. JSS – J Soils & Sediments, 4(4), 233-235.
Heise, S., Maaß, V., Gratzer, H.,Ahlf, W. (2000): Ecotoxicological Sediment Classification – Capabilities and Potentials – Presented for Elbe River Sediments. BfG- Mitteilungen, Nr. 22 – Sediment Assessment in European River Basins, 96-104.
Hollert, H., Heise, S., Pudenz, S., Brüggemann, R., Ahlf, W.,Braunbeck, T. (2002): Application of a Sediment Quality Triad and different statistical approaches (Hasse Diagrams and Fuzzy Logic) for the comparative evaluation of small streams. Ecotoxicology, 11, 311-321.
Leipe, T., Kersten, M., Heise, S., Pohl, C., Witt, G., Liehr, G., Zettler, M.,Tauber, F. (2005): Ecotoxicity assessment of natural attenuation effects at a historical dumping site in the western Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50(4), 446-459. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2004.11.049
Book Chapters:
Ahlf, W., Braunbeck, T., Heise, S.,Hollert, H. (2002): Sediment and Soil Quality Criteria. In Burden, F. R., McKelvie, I., Förstner, U.,Günther, A. (Eds.), Environmental Monitoring Handbook (pp. 17.11 – 17.18). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Heise, S., Förstner, U., Westrich, B., Jancke, T., Karnahl, J., Salomons, W.,Schönberger, H. (2004): Inventory of Historical Contaminated Sediment in Rhine Basin and its Tributaries (pp. 225). Hamburg: on behalf of the Port of Rotterdam.
before 2000 (not sorted):
Ahlf, W., Reichardt, W., Heise, S., Juterzenka, K., von,Piker, L. (1993): Mikrobiologische Aspekte der Schwermetall-Mobilität in limnischen und marinen Sedimenten. Eignungstests für mikrobiologische Kriterien der Sediment-Qualität. Teil 1. In Förstner, U.,Calmano, W. (Eds.), Umweltverhalten von Sedimenten BMFT-Projekt 02WT9014/3 (pp. 1-31). Hamburg: Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, AB Umweltschutztechnik.
Heise, S.,Gust, G. (1999): Influence of the physiological status of bacteria on their transport into permeable sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 190, 141-153.
Heise, S.,Reichardt, W. (1991): Anaerobic starvation survival of marine bacteria. Kieler Meeresforsch., Sonderh. 8, 97-101.
Reichardt, W., Piker, L., Juterzenka, K. v., Heise, S., Grossmann, S.,Bussmann, I. (1991): Burrowing macrozoobenthos as major determinants of bacteria in sediments. Kieler Meeresforsch., Sonderheft 8, 86-91.
Reichardt, W. T., Heise, S., Juterzenka, K. v.,Piker, L. (1994): Microbiological aspects of heavy metal ecotoxicity in Elbe River sediments. Verh. Internat. Verin. Limnol., 25, 2034-2046.
Reichardt, W. T., Heise, S.,Piker, L. (1993): Ecotoxicity testing of heavy metals using methods of sediment microbiology. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality, 8, 299-311.