
Laufende Projekte

Blue Estuaries 2020 – 2023

Nachhaltige Ästuar-Entwicklung unter Klimawandel und anderen Stressoren.

Untersucht werden in diesem Teilprojekt die Rolle von Schadstoffen als Stressoren in den Ästuaren von Elbe und Oder. Die Ergebnisse werden in eine Systemanalyse mit Hilfe partizipativer Stakeholder Workshops integriert.

Sullied Sediments 2017 – 2020

Im Rahmen dieses durch das Interreg Nord-Programm geförderten Projektes werden an 9 Standorten in 3 Flussgebieten chemische, ökotoxikologische und Lebensgemeinschaftsdaten erhoben, um daraus Empfehlungen für eine neues integriertes Bewertungssystem für kontaminierte Sedimente zu erarbeiten.

MANTICC 2018- 2021

Welche Ursachen hat die synergistische Wirkung von Cadmium und nano-Titandioxid unter Lichteinfluss auf Nematoden?

Abgeschlossene Projekte




Current projects

aquatic toxicity of lanthanum  2012-2017.

What is known about aquatic ecotoxicity of lanthaum. Are industrial emissions into the Rhine river of concern?


Reechange 2016-2019.

“Rare Earth Element Ecotoxicology in a Changing Environment”. This project aims at a risk evaluation from lanthanum and gadolinium emissions to the aquatic environment.


Sullied Sediments 2017-2020

Within this Interreg-Project sediments are collected from 9 sites across 3 different rivers. Chemical, ecotoxicological and community data are gathered and will be the basis for the development of a new integrated sediment classification system.

MANTICC 2018– 2021

What causes the synergistic effects of cadmium and nano-titaniumdioxide to nematodes?


Der Tideelbe-Komplex seit 2014

Im Rahmen der Hamburg Open Online University will dieses Projekt den Bürgern der Region das komplexe System “Tideelbe” näherbringen.


Finalized Projects

Morogoro 2011 – 2014Morogoro

Effects of agro-chemicals in ecological status Kilombero Valley Ramsar site, Tanzania


ARCH 2011 – 2015DSC_0087 ARCH

“Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on lagoons.” A research project to develop methodologies to manage the multiple problems affecting lagoons in Europe.


Backwaters of the Elbe, Part II 2014IMG_4085-Seitenstrukturen

Study on the environmental risk by flooding for or from backwaters of the Elbe river. Detailed study after the 2013 flood event.


Riskcycle 2009-2012Riskcycle Bild 3

The coordination action (CA) “RISKCYCLE” aimed to establish and co-ordinate a global network of European and international experts and stakeholders to define together future needs of R+D contributions for innovations in the risk-based management of chemicals and products.


KLIMZUG-NORD 2009 – 2012Dipol- Neufelder Watt März 2010 014

The project KLIMZUG-NORD explored solutions to cope with the consequences of climate changes in the metropolitan area of Hamburg.


diPOL 2009 – 2012DSC01769-Dipol

“Impact of Climate Change on the
Quality of Urban and Coastal Waters
Diffuse Pollution”: DiPol aimed to collect information on the impact of Climate Change on water quality, to communicate and raise awareness towards this knowledge.


SedTrans 2009 –2012Sed-Trans2

Modelling transport and fate of particle-bound substances in the catchment of the Middle Elbe. For better understanding mobility and deposition of particles in groyne fields, a hydrodynamic model was developed.


BF TiO2 im PharynxNano Ecotox 2010 – 2013

The Focus of this study is the impact of light exposure on the ecotoxicity of the particles as well as the particles’ effects on co-contaminants on Caenorhabditis elegans


 ELLI – Elbe Literature Data base 2011-2014

Set up of a comprehensive literature data base for Elbe-relevant publications.

 Backwaters of the Elbe River, Part I 2012-2013Seitenstruktur 1

Sediments in side structures and backwaters in the Elbe watershed. Do they provide a risk for the river?


Aquatic toxicity of fluorides 2009-2011

FLUORID-RISIKEN: Evaluation of risk from fluoride for the aquatic community

 Ballastwasser-Treatment 2009-2010

Erstellung eines Ballastwasser-Emission Scenario Documents